Do Social Accounts Help in Gaining More Customers

Creating Social Accounts (the Second Step)
Whether improving them, if you already have ones.
After this step, all your social profiles would become direct mirror reflections of your business goals, personality and all the related functions you want to afford your customers. (As we have already mentioned in my previous blog-post identifying business goals is the nucleus of great social marketing strategy)
This is what all the customers commonly expect from your social accounts but if done correctly; we may create with the help of social media even more than just a useful mirror with the help of social media! All you should do is following the general rules by refining your Bio/Description, Images, etc. and you can create an awesome portal, redirecting all the followers of your social accounts to your website. In this way, every follower might become a potential customer!

Already interested? Then let us do our best!
As it has Larry page “Always deliver more than expected.“
It is not by an accident that I decided to specify the opportunities of correctly written Bio at first. The point is that Description plays the main role in creating an impressive portal. Bio is not only a possibility to share your basic information and help the visitors be well informed about your product but the optimal opportunity of making a possible referral traffic by adding email addresses and your websites. By the way, adding your personal information on Google+ page or Twitter handle with other networks will make your description the best-case tool for social marketing and sales. Furthermore, that experience will be one of the best illustrations of cross-promotion helping grow your new business project.

Well, the first advice about selecting Images is:
Being Much More Meticulous
While selecting Images for certain social networks you would always rather be inclined to choose the ones with all the dimensions that those require. The point is that the handles Images, just like the names, are excessively sensitive for networks. You cannot be sure about a large image, which looks nice as a profile picture. The same one might seem weird on the mobile device or just in a home feed.
It is a common mistake when website owners choose or create images including many materials within. Always remember that
Simple Is Usually Better
There is no need of involving tons of information in an image because these kinds of images usually eject rather than catch someone’s attention. The one thing that will be at your profile picture is you or the logo of your company.
Much More Direct Way for Finding You
Furthermore, your profile picture has an opportunity to make finding your social profiles on other networks much easier. The scheme is more than obvious. Facebook follower, which wants to find you on Instagram, will certainly benefit in a couple of seconds if he searches your photo in search engines.
It is always useful to ease the utilization of your products and perception of your websites/social profiles for customers. That will help to attract new followers and assure all visitors that you are always trying to provide the best content for them. The most famous, modern and flexible way of realizing this purpose is creating video tutorials. However, you should always remember that all social profiles require one-of-a-kind videos. In other words, these videos have to be created exactly for one and the same network. By the way, it is not hard to create a creative video tutorial. You may easily create one in 15 seconds and you do not even need to edit that video in any way.
Here is a good example of a video tutorial. By clicking on the word “here”, it will open a video popup, which will show you how to create an intensive video tutorial in a couple of minutes.
Do We Need Popups for Video Tutorials and Social Profiles?
It is hardly possible to have a social traffic at your website by only mentioning website URL in your social profiles Bios. The point is that traffic should be recurrent and it should not have an origin or end. Every visitor who was somehow attracted to your website will immediately see a video tutorial popup, which will teach the visitor all the needed skills in 10-15 seconds. On the other hand, imagine – someone is visiting your website and wants to gain some information about your product, and BOOM! – The popup opens, which redirects him/her to your websites where he/she can easily connect with your team or read blogs and watch videos about your product. Isn’t it just amazing tool for new website?! (This magic tool is called Iframe popup)
You may easily gain all the required skills for using these popups by clicking on them.
The Video Popup
The Iframe Popup

I know where you can benefit by purchasing these popups. Popup-builder is one of the well-equipped plugins that provides an opportunity to purchase all the most needed popups (for newly created website) in one cheap pocket. The lowest price ever, only 20$ for a GOLD packet including:Unlimited popup creation
Image popup
HTML popup
Facebook popup
Iframe popup
Shortcode popup
Exit intent popup
Contact popupVideo popup
Social popup
Age restriction popup
Countdown popup
Subscription popup
Popup showing frequencyNewsletter
Custom popup effects
Custom popup dimensions
Manage popup’s menu
Show on scroll
Show once per visitorDon’t show on mobile
Disable popup closing
Auto close popup
Show popup by user status
Show popup after inactivity
Schedule popupThe most reliable and recommended websites for creating intensive social accounts are well known
All these functions would become pointless if we forget about updating all this information at least once in three months. In other words, Bios and its relevant images should contain your latest content in order to always be fresh and relevant.
We are all humans not robots. How can I remember updating description every 2 or 3 months?
Thinking about this problem, I came up with a tricky plan, which might help website owners not to forget about updates and make all the customers/followers appreciate the website owner’s entire job even more.
Are you ready? Well the solution is known as
Countdown Popup
If you put this item on your website, the problem should be solved in the most interesting way. Here are all the needed steps of this method:
- Create Social Media Icons on your website and add a title – “By clicking on these icons you will see the exact time of our following update”
- Put these icons on countdown popups.
And of course – 3. Enjoy the work of the always well-informed team and greatly appreciated kind reviews/feedbacks of the customers.
By the way, let us get back to the main message of today’s post and quickly sum it up. After creating social profiles on various websites it is worth to perfectly fill in your Bio information and of course, do not forget about updating it periodically.
The next leap in our universal work time routine is easing and making more efficient and productive work. It is all about “sewing” all these social accounts together and of course learning how to manage all them. It is also important to know which one of these social profiles needs more work and how to make a profit out of them. You may find the clues of all these issues in my next article.
The Third Step: How to Sew Social Accounts Together
See the third step in my next blog post.
Previous steps:
The First Step: Identifying Business Goals
If you have any questions or requests you may easily contact me and I will answer you at the end of my following blog post or you can write comments or personal messages to my account.
If you have any creative ideas, let me know about them and maybe I will write a blog post about the topics you need to know about the most! (Just let me know)
Thus, be always active in any sphere and I hope my blog posts will ease your job and, what is more important, help you create the most universal strategy ever!