
How to Leverage Popups to Sell More Coupons

Not only online but also offline businesses apply online marketing strategies. The number of businesses using only traditional marketing strategies is decreasing day by day. Offering coupons to clients is considered one of the most effective marketing strategies. As a company that makes WordPress plugins we are always interested in online services offering coupons.

WP Newsify

Recently, we were lucky to find the WP Newsify website where we always check in to see what new coupons they present to their website visitors.  The reason coupons are widely used is that they encompass two types of psychological triggers. They excite a sense of urgency and the wish to avail of good services at reasonable prices.

Make Use of Popups

In order to better sell your discounted items or services it is necessary to apply marketing strategies. Once you have set the discounts for your coupons it is vitally important to represent them to your audience. For this purpose, you can make use of numerous marketing strategies, such as applying nice popups on your website. The latter have become very popular in today’s online marketing world as they can have an emotional impact on your clients. Also, you can combine them with other strategies such as e-mail marketing, video marketing, facebook marketing etc. Let’s dive in and see what kinds of popups you can use to sell your discounted products better.

Popup Types to Sell Coupons Better

Nowadays, video marketing is considered one of the most successful types of online marketing. You can make use of different video sharing websites but the most famous one is surely Youtube. In addition, you can place a video on your own site. A video can guide you through some processes, show you some instructions just like it is done on cooking websites.

Showcase the Quality of Your Work

As they say, it is better to see once than to hear a thousand times. You can use the privileges video popup offers placing a video on your site. Through this video you can show how your staff works or how fast, clean and accurate they provide services. You can place the video either within your content or at other parts of your website.

You are the master of your website

For example, you own a company providing cleaning services. It would be a brilliant idea to show your potential clients the accuracy of the work through a beautiful video popup. You just need to add your video url in the corresponding field of your popup, add some other settings according to your taste and preferences and enjoy a good-looking popup. So this way you combine video popup with the video marketing strategy which will come to prove to your potental clients that your coupons are worth buying.