
How to Improve Conversion Rates In 2017

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If your website has a plenty of traffic, then it’s the very time to review your approach and think about other ways to ameliorate your conversions. If you are interested in it, so this post is for you. We are going to speak about good conversion rates and the useful steps that will help you to improve them as well.

Identify Your Goal

Regardless of what online business you do, your website should have some goals, such as invite people to become your email list promising member, buy any product, or just follow you. We all know what is a Conversion. It refers to all kind of websites and happens when a page guest takes an action, and that action is your page’s goal. The visitor can sign up for your newsletter, complete the contact form, write you a message, acquire a product, order something online, etc. In other words, conversion rate is the users’ number that took action, completing the goal. For example, if 200 guests have visited your website and 20 of them have subscribed on your email, your conversion rate will be 20%. It is simple.

Create a Powerful Strategy 

In order to make better website’s conversions, one should plan a powerful strategy. Various companies provide a lot of time, efforts and money to improve their webpages’ traffic. They use various online marketing tools like SMM, SEM or SEO, as well as email marketing. All the mentioned are influential tools for your online business. But if your page traffic does not convert enough or your page guests are not interested in your website content, your efforts will be meaningless. So if your website has enough traffic, it does not mean that your business will succeed, they should also convert.

Quantity doesn’t bring quality   

So while improving your web page’s conversion rates, first of all you should keep in mind one crucial thing: the visitor is the king. You should imagine that the user is the story’s hero, as it’s only the user who will use your product and will add your revenue. Your success depends only on users. We all want to have a huge success, but for that we have to concentrate on what wants the page guest. And it’s also important to take into account the fact that everything is reciprocal, what you give you get back. So if you constantly improve your user experience and be user friendly, people will be friendly too and will take your desired action. But before speaking about ways to improve conversion rates, let’s understand what is a good conversion rate.

A Useful Conversion Rate and What it depends on?

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Firstly you should note that your website’s amazing design and your awesome product do not play enough important role in good conversions. If the people who visit your page are not comply with your website or its pages, it means that they are not aim to take any action and convert. For example if you send free tires’ coupon to the people who are not lot car lovers, these users surely will not be interested in your offer and will not jump on it. So we come to the same belief that conversion depends on needs. We should try exactly understand what our users are interested in.

Now is the right time to see what really depends on a good conversion:

  • What industry you are in – If we compare conversion datas among various industries, we will notice some businesses are more fortunate than other ones. For example a startup trousers company will differ from a large store with its conversion rates.
  • What it costs you – You can make endless investments to improve your conversion rates. But never forget that the revenue should cost more than your investments. In other words, a good conversion is the one which turns your business needs to your desired profit. So the non stopping CRO may have opposite effect. If you face with it, it meant that you should make a pause and focus on your marketing’s another part.
  • Who you are trying to convert – Before starting boost your website, there is an essential thing you should do.  Think about the people who will really interested in your service. Try to analyze what really works and what not, and what kind of users your business can serve.
  • Whether your page is a landing one or not – The next thing on which depends the good conversion is the web page. There is a huge difference whether it is landing or not. Be sure that conversion rates of a common website or a blog will differ from a landing page. Unlike the common website, there is an inviting reason to make an act on the landing page, people face with a call to action. It can be any signup, offer, sales, etc.

Steps to increase Conversion Rates

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Today the bettering of Conversion Rates is the basic aim for all on-line marketers. So it is extremely important to check out the following steps, which will help you to reach your highest point.

  • Create a powerful headline to impress positively on your readers. In the limited amount of characters you should include a unique and valuable proposition, to make your guests understand that your content worth their attention.
  • Use a strong Call To Action, which will explain what your website offers its users. Always bear in mind that if you want your page guests click on a CTA, you should explain them why they need to do it, their advantages, benefits. In other words, you should submit a proposal that will be hardly refused.  
  • When creating your website, take into account that it should be engaging, simple to use, and user friendly, so page guests will be able to visit from all devices.
  • Be unique. Offer something original that other do not offer.And along with your offers show people their benefits as well.  
  • Try to understand who are your visitors, and then plan your marketing strategy according to your audience. And always remember that conversions increase if your needs are consistent with user needs.
  • You should gain your audience trust, it is one of the essential steps. Once you did it, the success will follow you.
  • Be simple. In order to boost conversions, you don’t have to use countless images, lights, showy designs, and so on. Apart from it, do not annoy users with tricky business expressions. Remember that marketer experts or managers are people too, so write for people and not for corporations.

Popup is a Good Way to Convert

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It’s now obvious that the use of pop-ups is the key of boosting your business’ conversions. We have already mentioned that for a profitable conversion rate one needs to create a strong call to action. So popups are created just for it, or in other words popups themselves are call to actions. Their primary purpose is to blow users attention to take the needed action.

There are still people who are doubtful about the success that pop-ups are able to bring. But while they ignore that small and useful windows, others continue to create them and use in order to achieve their goals. We can check out various leading companies or renowned bloggers, and see that they all use popups. But why? The answer is simple: they are really work.

When using popups, one of the top e-Commerce companies has doubled the number of its subscribers and has increased conversions by 70%. So they has only benefited from it without any negative results on bounce rates.

Contact forms, subscription forms, social shares, HTMLs, discounts, age restriction, freebies and so on, all these are call to actions which you can create with popups. But in spite of everything, your popups should contain something relevant, something unique, which will really deserve to make an action. Especially effective are Exit Intent Popups. They invite page guests to take an act when they are preparing to leave your webpage. Reportedly 30% of popup users 22% are using Exit Intent ones. Through this type of popups you are given one more chance to convert page guests into promising visitors.  

So unlike the business which are still concentrated on increasing the traffic as much as possible, you have to do your right step and focus on driving conversions. Make 2017 the most successful one for your business marketing.  

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